Tu Tranquilidad:
Trámites Fiscales y Notariales

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Estamos ubicados en Av. Rafael Alberti, 43, Madrid, desde donde atendemos tanto a clientes de la Comunidad de Madrid como de otras regiones de España. Nuestro compromiso es proporcionarte soluciones a medida, priorizando siempre tu comodidad y tranquilidad.

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Nuestros Servicios:

Escrituras de Compraventa

La compraventa de un inmueble es una de las transacciones más significativas en la vida de una persona. Este proceso implica la transferencia de la

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Escrituras de Herencias

La aceptación de una herencia implica la transmisión de bienes y derechos de una persona fallecida a sus herederos. Este proceso debe formalizarse mediante una

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Sobre Nosotros

Gestoría Cózar

Con más de 35 años de experiencia, en Gestoría Cózar nos especializamos en la gestión fiscal y contable para autónomos y PYMEs, así como en trámites notariales como compraventas, herencias y donaciones. Nuestro objetivo es ofrecerte un servicio integral, eficiente y confiable, para que puedas delegar con tranquilidad todos tus trámites administrativos.

Deja tus trámites en manos de profesionales.

Profesionalidad y Rigor

En Gestoría Cózar, cada gestión se realiza con el más alto nivel de profesionalidad y atención al detalle. Como gestores administrativos colegiados, estamos comprometidos con la calidad y el cumplimiento estricto de las normativas vigentes, garantizando soluciones precisas y confiables para nuestros clientes.


Entendemos que cada cliente tiene necesidades únicas, por lo que nos esforzamos por ofrecer un trato cercano y adaptado a cada caso. Desde el primer contacto hasta la finalización de cualquier trámite, estarás acompañado por un equipo que prioriza tus inquietudes y objetivos.

Amplia experiencia
en el Sector

Desde 1987, hemos acumulado un conocimiento profundo en trámites fiscales y notariales. Esta trayectoria nos permite anticiparnos a posibles retos y ofrecer soluciones efectivas, convirtiéndonos en un referente de confianza en la Comunidad de Madrid y más allá.

Testimonios de Nuestros Clientes

“I was definitely nervous when I first called them, but more than anything they were just really friendly.”

“It has been an amazing experience with your law firm. I will be happy to refer any of my family and friends to your law firm.”

“I was very happy with the communication between the legal counsel and myself.“

How long do I have to file a personal injury claim in New York?

You should get legal advice urgently if you want to claim compensation. The most common claim in a personal injury case is negligence and the time limit for this is 3 years.

This means that court proceedings must be issued within 3 years of you first being aware that you have suffered an injury. If you want to take legal action to claim compensation for a personal injury, you will need to get advice from a solicitor specialising in these types of cases.

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Free Case Evaluation

Your 100% free (no obligation) consultation is always with a practicing attorney from our offices. The details you share are held in strict confidence.
By submitting a request, you agree to our privacy policy.

1. How bad is the injury?
1-2 Slight Discomfort
3-5 Surgery
6-Passed Away
2. Where are the injuries?
Select all affected body parts
3. What is your name and phone number?
4. What kind of case is this?
Select the category type for the reason you're contacting us.
5. When did this happen?
Select the category type for the reason you're contacting us.
6. Describe the incident
Provide as much detail as you can. (ie. people involved, police report, etc.)
Personal Injury Frequently Asked Questions
Step 1: Call the Police if Necessary.
Step 2: Document Everything and Exchange Information.
Step 3: Contact Your Insurance Company.
Step 4: Filing Your Insurance Claim.
It’s a legal case you can bring if you’ve been hurt in an accident that was wholly or partially someone else’s fault. It’s the official process of recovering compensation from the other party responsible. The compensation is paid by the other side’s insurance company. There are no upfront costs and you pay nothing if your claim doesn’t succeed.
You have the right to file a personal injury claim against anyone who causes you to sustain physical injuries by their reckless, careless, or negligent acts. You also have the right to represent yourself in a personal injury claim against the at-fault party.
The value of your injury claim will depend on multiple factors including the severity of your injuries, whether your injuries will require future medical care, and the insurance policies available to compensate you.
The value of your injury claim will depend on multiple factors including the severity of your injuries, whether your injuries will require future medical care, and the insurance policies available to compensate you.
The short answer to the question, “How long does a personal injury case take” is anywhere between a few months and two years. Sometimes, a client’s financial situation dictates how long a personal injury case takes.
As a very rough guide, a claim may take 6 to 12 months if liability is accepted by the treatment or care provider immediately. If liability is disputed, it could take 12 to 18 months for more complicated claims.


Nuestro blog es tu espacio para estar al día con las últimas noticias, cambios normativos y consejos prácticos relacionados con gestiones fiscales y notariales. Desde guías detalladas hasta actualizaciones legales, aquí encontrarás información útil para afrontar cualquier trámite con confianza.